
piatok 28. septembra 2012

What to drink through weekend?:)

It's Friday and weekend is comming. What will you do? And what's your favorite drink when you celebrate? We bring you some creative designs of alcohol we like.

Would you like to have a glass of beer?
Forgeon Belgium beer
Or honey designed wine?
 by Lauren Golem 

Blind people have the same right to know what wine they drink
by Lazarus Wine’s Braille Wine

Mood's grades - is that true in your case too? (wishing you, happy, jolly, merry, very merry, hic, ever so merry, christmas) by Buddy Mulled Wine

Just hang whereever and drink whenever you wish 
The Versus Wine Pouch

Or something stronger? 
Absolut Vodka Rock edition 

And when you are at party, don't forget to lock your favorite drink:)

piatok 21. septembra 2012

11 food advertisements

We are what we eat or eat we what we are?

Man eats. We eat to survive. We eat beacause of experience of taste. We eat when we are sad. We eat because it's good. Rich people eat more expensive and more quality food. Poor people are satisfied with supermarket offer and they can have big pleasure and feast too. Some food is healthier, some is not so healthy. Someone cares what eats, someone doesn't.

BUT.  On what basis we choose our food? 
According what we know what is new, good and healthy?  
Essential role in our "selection" process definitely plays ads.

We now bring you a few of those ads we like.

"Delifrance - Ready to bake at home" 

 "Chio Nature"

 "Greeenpeace - Do you know what you eat?"

"Why not milk - what brand does this ads looks like?"

"Can you imagine your coffe without Lotus"

 "Your meal is looking forwar for McCormick"

"McDonald's and its Veggieburger"

 "Slovak campaign for drink more milk named Discover milk"

"Smoked ones"


"Great ads for ads"

štvrtok 13. septembra 2012

First magazine ever

I decided to find, what magazine was as first in the world ever. What do you think? 

I though that first one could be sometimes in 19th century. But I was really wrong and suprised by my search results!

Here we go:)

Really really first magazine was at 1663. The world's first magazine – Erbauliche Monaths-Unterredungen (translation: Edifying Monthly Discussions) – was published in Germany. But I haven’t found more information about this, so let’s go to the first famous world magazine.
Edward Cave
 It was at 1731 a and its name is The Gentlemans magazine.
This magazine was edited by Edward Cave. He edited The Gentleman's Magazine under the pen name "Sylvanus Urban. The Gentleman's Magazine was founded in London in January 1731. Edward was the first who use the term "magazine" (from the French magazine, meaning "storehouse") for a periodical.

The original complete title was The Gentleman's Magazine: or, Trader's monthly intelligencer.

Cave's innovation was to create a monthly digest of news and commentary on any topic the educated public might be interested in, from commodity prices to Latin poetry. 

First regular employment as a writer was Samuel Johnson. During a time when parliamentary reporting was banned, Johnson regularly contributed parliamentary reports as "Debates of the Senate of Magna Lilliputia". Though they reflected the positions of the participants, the words of the debates were mostly Johnson's own.

Cave, a skilled businessman, developed an extensive distribution system for The Gentleman's Magazine. It was read throughout the English-speaking world, and continued to through the eighteenth century and much of the nineteenth, under a series of different editors and publishers.

It declined in tnineteenth century, and finally ceased general publication in September 1907. However, issues consisting of four pages each were printed in very small editions between late 1907 and 1922 in order to keep the title formally "in print". So this magazine ran uninterrupted for almost 200 years.

Timeline of The Gentleman’s magazine
  • 1731–1735 The Gentleman's Magazine or Monthly Intelligencer
  • 1736–1833 The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle
  • 1834–1856 (June) New Series: The Gentleman's Magazine
  • 1856 (July)–1868 (May) New Series: The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Review
  • 1868 (June)–1922 Entirely New Series: The Gentleman's Magazine

Download real pages on this link! Here you can read this magazine from 1731 till 1750.

The iconic illustration of St John's Gate on the front of each issue (occasionally updated over the years) depicted Cave's home, in effect, the magazine's "office".


streda 12. septembra 2012

5 tips how to get inspiration

For the majority of us, creativity comes and goes—one day you can be producing revolutionary work, and the next, youe may be staring at a blank canvas for hours.

But, there’re some things to do to get creative kick start.
Here you find  five  things you can do to smash that wall that’s blocking your way to creative enlightenment.

1. Enjoy commute

When you’re riding a bus or train don’t be only minding your own business and don’t try to be indifferent. Next time, try to observe your surroundings. There are a lot of posters, signs in buses and trains. You can also observe the people around you. There are a thousand possible things that can happen when you’re travelling so maximize your time when commuting by just being observant. And hopefully, we’ll get that big idea before you reach your destination.
2. Go to the bookstore

Looking at books in your favorite bookstore is a great way to getting creatively inspired.
Books, being one of the oldest forms of design, can stimulate creativity by showing you a myriad of design, art, and typography styles and techniques through their covers and pages. Additionally, skimming books that interest you may allow you to discover some knew information that inspires you creatively.
 3. Follow favorite designers in social media

You can find a lot of inspiration from other people. Just browsing internet and searching for „undefinitely something“ is not so useful as look at people who could inspire you. Following on Twitter can give you more and more inspiration.
Services like Twitter and Facebook allow you to see what your favorite designers are up to at any given moment. By following them, you might uncover some links to inspiring web resources and thoughtful anecdotes for inspiration.
4. Find inspiration in nature

Go for a walk in nature. There are several possibilities what you can do in nature. You can mediate or paractise yoga in park. You can watch children playing in park. Or you can watch your pet and try to emulate their mindfulness and playfulness.
Other way how to get inspiration in nature is take a camera outside and making picture of everything what seems beautiful for you.
5. Visit local mall or store

The local shopping center near you might not spell inspiration up front but malls can be a gold mine for inspiration. The many people who visit malls for relaxation and shopping are bombarded by ads and announcements that were created by various designers and artists. Use this to your advantage and observe the different signs, posters and flyers scattered all around the store. We can also check out the different packaging styles and materials used in the merchandise.